
This is the story of modern japan with the poets, created base on the my imaginations of the portrait of the writers, who I took the impression from the works of Hagiwara Sakutarou, Kitahara Hakushuu, ... so to speak is a true derivative work Shikaku Town - ⟨街 (Shikaku means square, but can be written as 詩歌句 (poetry verse)). A fictional town where poets live. In there, the characters based on works of Hagiwara Sakutarou, Kitahara Hakushuu, Miyoji Tatsuji, Muroo Saisei, Yosano Akiko, Satou Mokichi, Wakayama Bokusui, Takahama Kyoshi, Ishikawa Takuboku, Tachihara michizou, Nakahara Chuuya, Takamura Koutarou, Masaoka Shiki, ... while their lives being teared up by the happiness as human and desires as writer, their body shaken between joy and despair, praised, hindered, committed a sin, and struggling in composing poems.

